
Hi! I’m Josh. This is me.

So, I’ll go ahead and tell you that I just learned on Jan. 24, 2012 that I am HIV positive. You know… that big, bad disease that most of us don’t talk that much about? Yea… that one. The immune disorder that continues to plague our society in both health, spirit and image.  But that is just part of my story. It’s just part of how and why I got here today. I decided to make a blog because my circumstance of being newly poz isn’t my death sentence, it isn’t even close to what defines ME as Josh, and I want guys my age to maybe find a piece of hope through my experiences to prevent the result that was read to me being given to them OR if you got a POZ result– realizing it’s only the beginning on a new world for you.  I’m still Josh. You still be YOU! 🙂 xo

12 comments on “about

  1. I listened to Lupe’s Story and in knowing him it just made me cry. It can and does happen to anybody. A very close friend of mine is HIV Positive and when he told me all I could do is cry and hold him. At first he said, one night when we were out on the patio of the club, he wanted to tell me—-but he was afraid of loosing a friend and what might be said or done. To those that are out there and are HIV Positive, don’t loose hope or let it define your life. The storm may look long and dark, but in actuality if a friend lets them define you as just that– you’re MUCH better OUT of their life then IN their life. I’m so amazed to see this website you’ve created Josh! Josh, not sure I ever met you while I lived in Nashville, but always be Josh and Lupe always be Lupe! No matter how life “looks” it’s then at your deepest hour that a comforting, compassion, loving individual will be there to hold you, let you know all is well, and even make you smile and laugh..

    I love you guys,


  2. You don’t know me, and truly I don’t know you, however i did just send you a fb request. I found your blog through PositiveLite.com and I just watched your video. I wanted to tell you that you are a beautiful and strong person. I think that telling people that you are still you is perfect. Positive or Negative you have lots to offer this world and I, for one, am hoping to be able to walk alongside you during your journey.

    • Hi,1 in 4 sexually aivtce teenagers become infected with an STD every year, in the United States alone. Now, more than ever, we need to join together to fight this growing issue. As I read through your website, it is clear that you share the same passion for STD/STI awareness. We here, at Disease.com, understand the importance of STD/STI prevention and treatments. If you could, please list us as a resource or host our social book mark button, it would be much appreciated. We can not reach every teenager, but together we can try.If you need more information please email me back with the subject line as your URL.Thank you,Sharon VegoeDisease.com

  3. Josh,
    I listened to the Show on Blog Talk Radio for POZIAM. Just Wanted to Say Thank You for giving many of us in the South a Voice. Thank You for the awesome work that you are doing!
    Keep up the Great work!!

  4. Hey Josh!
    I came across your blog through Twitter. I like to think the anonymity provided there helps me finding others.

    My name is Cedric. I’m 29. I live in Germany. I am HIV positive.

    On July 15th I have been told to be positive after weeks of illness.
    I remember my doctor telling my on the phone. That’s pretty much all I remember of this day.
    Now, almost 3 years later, I feel my feet getting itchy. Urging for love, a boyfriend, a community to share stories, and sometimes just to be winy 😉

    I’m Cedric. I’m 29. I’m positive. But you know what? There’s even more! I’m smart, I’m good at languages, people say I’m cute or handsome, I go out, love the movies, I peel an orange in my own way – so the peel remains in one piece, I travel a lot, don‘t party that much though, I wear Abercrombie but prefer a pizza with a friend on the couch instead of comparing biceps with strangers at the gym, sometimes funny, mostly dorky, able to play Tekken blindfolded (and still win! :-)), normal built (but surely could loose 5 pounds), openminded, love X-Men and Harry Potter, a good driver.
    But most of all I have hope! And I hope these things still matter to people when they find out…

  5. Hey josh

    Really u r video in YouTube make high support for me , I m HIV+ since 10 days
    But I’m now in Solitary confinement this the policy in this stubbed country I feel like prisoner there’s police man waiting near me to take my I phone when I finish my message ……. This the policy here …lost job … Lost my life …..Lost friends …. Can’t back to my country ….don’t know what they will do with me ….
    Anyway thank u very much for u r support .

  6. Thank you so much for being the strong young man that you are. And thank you even more for sharing your story and making no apologies for the person you continue to be. I’m probably twice your age, recently got a positive diagnosis, and only wish I were as strong as you. It’s only been about 8 weeks since my diagnosis, have found out that my viral load is very low, my T-cell count is lower than my doctor would like it to be but I’m still considered to be “undetectable”.

    I hesitated to comment to you – but hearing your story has made me realize that I can be strong through this, I can build my support through my family, and I’ll still continue being me. Thank you, from one complete stranger to another. And if I ever saw you on the street, I’d give you a big ol’ bear hug, because there needs to be more people like you in the world.

    • Dennis-
      I appreciate the comment and the encouragement. You are right, you can be strong through this and you are a prime example as to why I felt compelled to start a blog — so we can all support each other. I wish you the best and hope to hear more from you in your personal journey. – Josh

  7. Dear josh, I’m 29.. I just found out I’m hiv+ last week.. My heart broke in to pieces.. I couldn’t stop crying at night.. I feel so alone.. I’ve lost my confidence and my goal, its like my world is stop here. I feel like a different person.

    I wish I’m as strong as you.

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